The Effect of Online-Project Based Learning on Learning Outcomes of Pre-Service Physics Teachers
Ahmad Busyairi , Ahmad Harjono , Muhammad ZuhdiDOI:
Vol. 8 No. 1b (2023): AprilKeywords:
Project based learning, learning outcomes, pre-service physics teachersArticles
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This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the Online-Project Based Learning (Online-PjBL) model in improving student learning outcomes in research methodology courses. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a posttest-only control group design. The population of this study was all physics education students who were taking research methodology courses, namely 60 people. The sample consisted of 42 students who were divided into two class groups, namely 21 students in the experimental class and 21 students in the control class. Students in the experimental class were treated with the online-PjBL model while the control class was treated with the offline-PjBL model. The learning outcomes data in this study were taken from the results of the midterm exams and the task of compiling a research proposal. Data on the learning outcomes of the two class groups were then analyzed using a different test (t-test). Based on the results of the t-test at the 95% level of confidence (a = 0.05) with degrees of freedom (dk = n1 + n2 – 2 = 40) it shows that there is no significant difference in learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class with tcount = 0.24 and ttable value = 2.02 (tcount <ttable). This means that there is no significant difference in effectiveness between online-PjBL and offline-PjBL in improving the learning outcomes of prospective physics teachers in research methodology courses.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Busyairi, Ahmad Harjono, Muhammad Zuhdi
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