Re-Promoting Autonomous Learning for University Students: A Lesson from Pandemic Covid-19
Girindra Putri Ardana Reswari , James KalimanzilaDOI:
Vol 6 No 1 (2021): MayKata Kunci:
University Students, Readiness, Autonomous Learning, Re-Promoting, Covid-19Articles
Cara Mengutip
Autonomous learning shifts the focus from teaching to learning in relation to lifelong learning skills. This system helps students to get direct skills and knowledge from different sources rather than focusing on passing their examinations. However, lecturers remain as an advisor and guider. This paper describes the application of autonomous learning and why it is essential to be promoted massively again especially during and after the COVID-19 issue. This study aims to re-promote the practice of autonomous learning as an alternative strategy in learning system due to social distance policy resulted from pandemic covid-19 era. This research has used qualitative research method, both primary and secondary information were collected from various sources such as observation, reading published articles, newspapers, books, social media, universities reports and students’ forums, as well as document analysis on the previous research of autonomous learning. Results of the research shows that autonomous learning is a best alternative learning strategic in this tragedy pandemic covid-19 era. However, in order to facilitate and enable this learning student’s readiness is more important, this is because it is a self-learning approach. As the conclusion and suggestion, the development of digital service and online studies have increased and stimulated the use of this system. Â
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